We named it the Green House. It was so green you could see it from far away
The showers and bathrooms. I told you there was no running water. But bucket showers are fun. Plus it's so hot. Taking a shower outside it's actually a nice change...at least for a few weeks. It seems basic but for most people here it's pretty luxurious
Here are some of the kids who lived there or came to visit us all the time so we could play. We spent hours every night playing with them. When you spend the day at the hospitals, it's nice to see healthy kids when you get back home. They were really great great kids. They have no tv or video games so they spend the day outside inventing games. They're so funny.
Keizia discovered my ipod.The only they wanted to listen to Michael Jackson...I tried Radiohead but they didn't like that...They know Rihanna but not the Beatles.Someone
I love the picture of them going to church! Have I told you that you're amazing? Because you are!